1. Angel In-the-Making 實習天使Theme Song TVB - CeeJay's Entertainment
21 nov 2015 · The theme song of "Angel In-the-Making" (an upcoming TVB drama) was released early on and is sung by Jinny Ng. The song is called "我們都 ...
Thoughts and Opinions of TVB, HK dramas, and HKpop from Cee and Jay!
2. Angel in the Making 實習天使 TVB - Review - CeeJay's Entertainment
29 dec 2015 · Halley Kei's (Eliza Sam) dream is to become a nurse and in this drama, she plays a part of TUNS 6, a group of intern nurses going through an internship at Hang ...
Thoughts and Opinions of TVB, HK dramas, and HKpop from Cee and Jay!
3. Angel in the Making 实习天使(TVB Drama DVD)
... Release Date: 2007.05.16 Production Year: 2007 Running Time: Approx. 1200 min (20 Episodes) No. of Disc: 6. Add to wishlist · Add to cart · Quick view · Compare ...
Angel In-the-Making is a 2015 Hong Kong medical television drama created and produced by TVB, starring Tony Hung, Eliza Sam, Pal Sinn, Alice Chan, Elaine Yiu, Moon Lau and Jinny Ng as the main cast. 《实习天使》是香港的医护电视剧,由洪永城,岑丽香,单立文,陈炜及方伊琪等主演。该剧讲述一位魔鬼教练和一群大学生准护士被派到医院实习的而发生的一连串故事。
4. Angel In The Making 实习天使 // Review - THE Leisure Place
9 aug 2018 · Angel In The Making is a Hong Kong television series produced by TVB released in 2015. Also known as Intern Nurses, this series is under the ...
Overview: Angel In The Making is a Hong Kong television series produced by TVB released in 2015. Also known as Intern Nurses, this series...
5. 實習天使(2015)
《實習天使》第1 季于2015 年11 月30 日首播。 羡花帶女兒來找日俊. (1x25, 2016 年01 月01 ...
See AlsoLipidene Reviews 2021Intern nurses must endure the difficult task they are faced with when they are under the supervision of the male nurse from hell.[3] It has always been cheerful and caring Halley Kei's (Eliza Sam) dream to become a nurse. Ever since she was young, she has played pretend nurse, tending and caring sick patients. However, her first day as an intern nurse goes wrong in every possible way. First she is almost late and then she is put in charge of an unruly patient, who is a small-time triad boss. Her patient becomes paranoid that someone is trying to kill him, gets high on cocaine in the hospital bathroom, and then tries to escape from the hospital while almost dying all in one day. Luckily, her patient is stopped and saved by the new nurse mentor Ray Yeung (Tony Hung).
6. 實習天使 - 香港網絡大典
Bevat niet: year released
《實習天使》(Angel In The Making),香港電視廣播有限公司拍攝製作的時裝醫務電視劇,由洪永城、岑麗香、單立文及陳煒領銜主演,監製葉鎮輝。 2015年6月24日,有份參演《實習天使》的吳若希和馮允謙在facebook上載此劇的劇本封面。[1]豈料有網民發現,封面上的插圖,原來是抄襲自fb專頁「公立醫院囧事多」作者的圖片。 有網民提議「公立醫院囧事多」版主快點申請著作權,但版主回應怕麻煩:「我都想,但申請版權好似好複雜㗎喎><」。其他網民提醒他:「你俾佢申請咗先就反轉佢話你偷圖,你自己諗。」。但事實上,香港不設有官方註冊處為版權作品註冊。著作權是一項自動賦予的權利。在創作完成後,有關作品即時擁有,無須申請、無須登記。[2] 亦有網民斥責TVB:「本身都估到部劇都係講護士點吹水同雙手插袋溝醫生,希望唔好醜化護士。依家仲偷圖?」更多人擔心TVB不止偷圖,劇本還會抄襲版主一直以來發表的生活點滴。大家都希望TVB會有善意回應。[3] 事件上報後不久,吳若希已把有關照片刪除,並對記者表示沒有回應。[4] 2015年6月28日,吳若希在其facebook張貼出一張在拍攝《實習天使》劇
7. 实习天使_百度百科
Bevat niet: year released
8. 阿斯特捷利康 - AstraZeneca
臺灣優勝隊伍:亦能夠與其他國家之學生共同切磋學習,了解自身優勢,並有機會爭取實習,學以致用! ... Year,共囊括六項大獎肯定。 最強主辦陣容瞄準生醫及數位醫療新創 ...
AstraZeneca - Taiwan - Discover the ground-breaking work we are going in Taiwan at AstraZeneca.com
9. 实习天使(2015)
Bevat niet: year released
善良乐天的祁乐(岑丽香饰)、男仔头邓励帧(刘佩玥饰)、工作懒散的汪佩仪(吴沚默饰)、骄傲自恋的俞玥爱(吴若希饰)、幽默风趣的陈拔萃(陈康健饰)、梦想做歌手的朱世勤(唐嘉麟饰),就读于同一所大学的护理学系,成为好朋友并组成TUNS 6,译为六名在医院兼职的护理系学生,实则意为学护的工作辛苦得活像吞屎吞尿。TUNS 6在大学最后一年被派往同一家医院实习。