TMO GRC Fortworth TX | T-Mobile Community (2025)

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I've experienced the same issues with this company. About a year ago their service degraded. I disconnected service and shipped back a device to the same place in Ft Worth and T-Mobile billed me for the device they should have in their possession.

I’m on the phone right this minute with the same problem. Warehouse receipt shows the package was received on June 29th. The warehouse says they cannot find it. This is ridiculous. I have two repeaters. It appears they switched the IMEI numbers and wanted the working one, but I’m still on hold for a technician. Customer service can’t help because they can’t see the IMEI numbers for the boxes.

T-Mobile has filed a fraud report that they stole the device I sent back. I returned a device they asked for back when I told them I was disconnectingservice. The T-Mobile Hotspot was very old and it was a joke to me they wanted it back. It's a T-Mobile router to connect to your home internet to improve cell reception via wifi. T-Mobile took receipt of the T-Mobile hotspot on 7/7 and on 8/6 they billed me $289 for a device they have in their possession or an employee lost/stole it. Now I have to file a police report against T-Mobile. Very stupid but necessary in this case.

Hey anyone had the number forFORT WORTH, TX, US TMO

You see that what they are doing to make people miserable. They can accept in their local storesbut they want to bill the customers and more complicated. I already changed service but I found out that it hasn’t done yet. I tried one time with T-Mobile but now I will never everswitch to T mobile even they give promotion of thousands dollars. I will keep posted to see how my case turns out. I started with T mobile on Thanksgiving time 2021 due to promotions. Then we have to wait to get phones because phones were back order. Then we go on 12/20/2021 so we called our executive but no response. I was thinking he was on vacation so we went to local store. They activated on 1/1/2022. We had a lot of problem with connection and I decided to change service. I talked with several representatives. They advised me to return within 21 days . So we shipped back on 1/14/2022 with UPS dropped off. I got receipt and I have delivery dated on 1/18/2022. Executive didn't do good job so we can’t even get our return label because he didn’t put order right. However , one person at local store is smart enough to find out our shipping info and got return label. Then , we go T mobile bill with everything including phones which we already sent. I called customer service again and she said it supposed to take only 3 -5 days to scan back return phones. So I asked her why. She said she has to escalating file to find our phones. She wants me to wait another 1 week . I will update later how my case turns out.

Hey anyone had the number forFORT WORTH, TX, US TMO

I’m on the phone right this minute with the same problem. Warehouse receipt shows the package was received on June 29th. The warehouse says they cannot find it. This is ridiculous. I have two repeaters. It appears they switched the IMEI numbers and wanted the working one, but I’m still on hold for a technician. Customer service can’t help because they can’t see the IMEI numbers for the boxes.

My gf and I are on the phone with them right now as well. Sent back the non working 5g internet device and they billed us saying they didn't receive it. We have the tracking number saying it was delivered. We did our part. Tmobile's incompetence is not my problem but sure is my aggravation. I'd say you get what you pay for but the xfinity internet we had was garbage and had the same incompetence issues and cost twice as much so there's that. Just the world is much dumber anymore I've noticed. More thieves and more more stupidity all I see everywhere.

You’re right about TMO GRC in Fort Worth being a black hole. But let’s be fair to T-Mobile: they may not be at fault in this case. I returned an unopened iPhone 13 via UPS with tracking # provided by T-Mobile. This was on May 27, 2022. The warehouse received it on June 2. Fast forward a few weeks. On June 29 I get an unexpected email from TMO telling me that they cannot “locate your device IMEI ….” Numerous T-Mobile experts in Richmond, VA, could not help me until I talked to a supervisor, who finally gave me a clue as to what may have happened to the device. According to him, the warehouse received the package, but they did not find the device in the box. In other words, it had been stolen/lost. Today (July 19, 2022) He filed a claim to UPS for a damaged/tampered shipment on my behalf. At first he told me I had to file a claim; however, I could not file a claim with UPS no matter what I tried. UPS does not accept claims over the phone, and whenItried to file one on the website, it rejected all my attempts. Finally, I called the same supervisor back and explained what was going on. It took him nearly an hour on the phone with UPSand numerous transfers before UPS customer service processed theclaim. So, now I have a UPS claim in process. I have to say that the T-Mobile supervisor was very helpful once I explained my situation with UPS.

So, what have I learned? T-Mobile may or may not be at fault here. There may be a problem with UPS. At this point, I don’t know what is going on. All I know is that I am still on the hook for an expensive iPhone that I don’t have. UPS has opened and investigation into this shipment and promised to contact me within 36 hours.

The ultimate lesson? Don’t ever ship anything valuable with UPS. If you do, take pictures of the box and its contents--all six sides, in case you have to file a claim. If possible, take it to thestore and hand it directly to an employee. At this point, I have little faith in UPS. Their customer service is garbage. I could not get a human on the phone. At least T-Mobile lets you talk to a real person. Nowadays, that meansa lot.

This is very scary. I initially boughtan iPhone 13 Mini Starlight (color = white). I found the phone too small and returned it to the store, but they didn’t have any iPhone 13 Standard size Starlightin stock, so they told me to keep the Mini until they could getme the Standard I wanted. However,I was sentanother Mini, NOTa Standard. So,now I have TWOMinis andreturned one of them, the one which was sent to me by mistake, to GRC in Fort Worth and it took UPS a whole week (from July 14 to July 19) to deliver it. Now I need the Standard model iPhone 13 Starlight sent to me, as was ordered, so I can return the first Mini (which I am using until the Standard size phone comes). I wonder if, this time,they’ll get itright (size and color). Why do these things have to be so difficult??

If you have to return or exchange a device, return it to a store, get a receipt, take pictures of the device and box, get the name of the recipient. Be paranoid. Assume that the worst could happen. During this pandemic, a lot of things and processes are breaking down. I never worried that a UPS package would get lost/stolen before. Now? I worry. Return a device to the vendor? On uPS’s website, to make a claim for loss or damage, they want pictures of all six sides of the package, plus any other info you can provide. It’s ridiculous, but that is what this world has come to. I regret that I did not take a picture of the package that I dropped at the UPS store. So...yeah.

So we have the home internet, we sent back the tvision device and they received it on the 25th of October, they kept the charge on there because they couldn't find the device that I have proof they received, I called every week after and they promised not to turn off the internet, this morning they turned off the internet. I hate to but I am probably going back to cox prepaid. This is not okay, they open in 40 minutes, better believe someone is getting an earful.

Apparently, there is a problem at the Ft. Worth Warehouse that T-Mobile does not wish to address. The details appear to be the same. I was having connectivity issues with my phone, Customer Service sent me a new one. ( I’ll admit that I delayed in returning the phone until I could be sure that the connectivity issues had been resolved) When I got the very first message from T-Mobile that I needed to return the phone, I did so the very next day. I used the pre-labeled envelope that T-Mobile sent me and took the phone to the UPS Store. This was 15 December 2023. In checking tracking then, I learned it was scheduled to be delivered on 21 December 2023. Tracking shows that it was delivered on 21 December 2023 to the Haslet, TX Warehouse, where it says a signature was obtained. The tracking however continues that it was delivered again to the Ft Worth TX Warehouse on 4 Jan 2024.

I assumed that the transaction was closed because the tracking showed the item was delivered and I received no further notice from T-Mobile that it was still pending.

Fast forward to today, 1 Mar 2024. I went into my T-mobile Money account and saw a charge for over $1249.89 . T-mobile had charged me for the phone that I had returned. I was shocked but assumed that it could be taken care of in short order by contacting Customer Service.

I called and spoke with Ty. She explained that the Warehouse had not scanned in the IMEI for the phone that was supposed to be returned. She tracked down the tracking number from UPS and saw that it had been delivered. However, she said, the ware house had not scanned the IMEI, so it had not been returned. She inferred that it must have been empty or had some other weight in it. (Basically accused me of not returning the phone) When I challenged her inference, she said that she wasn’t saying that. The thing is, about 10 minutes later, she made the same inference, that the package must have been empty or filled with something else. She also said the weight of the package delivered should have been over 1.3 lbs, not .90 lbs. as the tracking documented. (The phone weighs .83 lbs and with the cardboard envelope would certainly weigh closer to .90 lbs – not 1.3 lbs. We got nowhere in the conversation, so after a great deal of trying to resolve the situation amicably, I requested that the call be escalated.

About 20 minutes later, I was on the phone with Oscar. While he clearly wanted to assure me that I’d been heard and even suggesting that the he understood my concerns, he finally explained that he couldn’t do anything about it. He leaned on the Terms of Agreement, saying that until the phone is successfully scanned into the warehouse, I’m responsible for the $1249.89 and he could nothing more about it. He also suggested that there was nobody that I could talk to that could anything more. He advised that I’d have to take it up with UPS, even though I don’t have a contract with UPS, as T-mobile does, they created the label and I used their package with affixed label to return the phone.

So, now begins the journey of disputing this bogus charge, canceling all of my services and using every avenue that I can to let people know that T-mobile apparently is willing to rip off their customers. I’ll add that I switched both my Internet Service and two phones to T-mobile. I also added two watches and enrolled with T-mobile Money. I’ve appreciated the services and even recommended T-mobile to others. Now – buyer beware. T-mobile is willing to address their own problems, but rather hold the customer accountable for issues that they have zero ability to fix. As it seems like this is a recurring problem with the warehouse, I definitely see a class action in the near future.

TMO GRC Fortworth TX | T-Mobile Community (2025)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.